cad를 사용하다가..갑자기..어제 저녁부터..
첨보는 이상한 메세지가 뜨기 시작했네요..
아래 있는 메세지구요..
저 명령이 뜬 담에는
수정한것이.redo가 되버려요..
어제까지는 사용하는데 문제가 없었거든요.
on,of든 locked ,frozen 이든 문제가 없었는데..갑자기..
참고로,, 제 컴은. win2000 cadr14입니다.
작업을 못해요.ㅣ
Command: z ZOOM
Other corner: 2132 selected,
Do you really want to do this? <N> z
Yes or No, please.
Do you really want to do this? <N> *Cancel*
2132 selected,
Do you really want to do this? <N> -la
Yes or No, please.
Do you really want to do this? <N> *Cancel*
Boundary entity on locked or frozen layer. Associative hatch not updated.
Boundary entity on locked or frozen layer. Associative hatch not updated.
2132 selected,
Do you really want to do this? <N> COLOR CONTROL